Saturday, February 1, 2014

You want to stick me AGAIN?????

At this point I am so over getting poked and stuck.  These poor nurses who have to take my blood or put some kind of contrast in me.  Remember, I DO NOT like blood or vein talk.  So needless to say every time I went in for another test the poor nurse would have to listen to me say how I don't do well with this "stuff".  It is getting better and all the tests are done at this point. Everything has come back negative.  What does that mean?  The cancer has not spread to any where else in my body.  It is only showing in the two tumors in my breast and in my right lymph nodes.  YAY!!!!


Kelly Ellis said...

“You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.” – Author Unknown

To my rock star, Lisa, I have no doubt that when you're done kicking ass, the absolute best days of your life are yet to come!! You're beautiful, strong and such an inspiration! Love you to pieces!!!

Paula LeBlanc said...

My dear niece Lisa,
We are cheering you on in this situation! We are glad to hear of the other places...Yippie!!! We rejoice in the positives...You are strong...You are loved!!!
"Fight the good fight!"
Love you, Uncle Phil and Aunt Paula

Unknown said...

Such great news!!

Peggy said...

Such great news, I'm so happy for you! You got this!

Peggy said...
