Thursday, May 29, 2014

I Hear Horns!

Guess what??  I hear horns!!!!  I finished my last chemo treatment today.  December 23 I started the first part of this journey and today I officially closed the door.  May 29 I received my 16th and final round of chemo.  I am so excited (and slightly jacked up on steroids) that I cannot sleep.

Now I am going to brag.  I am not a big fan of bragging but I figure I have earned it and I am going to do it.

First, I have the BEST sister and husband ever!!!  They went to EVERY SINGLE appointment and chemo session I had.  Kristie left work and drove to everything and then went back to work after.  Brad stayed with me from the chemo session until I went back to work every single week.  They sacrificed a lot for me and I appreciate it and love them more than anything!  They have listened to me bitch and moan about my nails hurting and dying and trying to fall off.  They have listened to me bitch about the ungodly amount of weight I have gained, no clothes to wear and the nasty moods I am in when I come down from the steroids. (Mondays are a rough day for me and my attitude just plain stinks.) They remind me of the bigger picture that I am going to live.  Kristie brought me the best breast cancer balloon today with pink cupcakes with glitter on them and we had a party to go with my horns.  You both are the best!!

Second, I have the BEST staff ever!!  Wait, let me rephrase that.  I have the BEST friends ever.  Because that is what they are.  A staff is people you work with .  Friends are people who love you and care about you.  They defiantly love and care about me.  Not only have they worn Pink on Fridays, but they have had hat days and had a PINK OUT on Wednesday to support my last day of chemo.  I was touched.  Shed some tears.  Then today came.  I came home after chemo to find my porch decorated with flowers that had notes attached to them lining my sidewalk.  There were balloons on the porch with the biggest hanging basket of pink flowers and my door was decorated with posters and the funniest signs.  I was crying and laughing at the same time.  It was amazing.  But then I went inside and found posters, gift cards to get my nails done, sayings, a pillow to help me heal from my surgery (which was also make from the same material as Olivia's baby blanket), cards and I was so taken back.  You might not understand this if you are not a teacher, but they took time to do this all the second to last day of school.  That is extremely unselfish and giving.  This group of people have gone above and beyond anything that I would have ever imagined.  I am honored to call them my friends and amazed that God has put them in my life to work with every day.  I could not be more blessed.  I love them all and I hope they all know that. They are my "seeds of happiness".

Third, I have the greatest group of friends ever.  I received so many texts and phone calls today saying congratulations.  I struggled responding to every one because I could not keep up.  I tried.  When I get a text I usually start tearing up.  I have to close the text after I read it so I don't start sobbing and then my damn chemo brain makes me forget to respond.  One friend picked up Olivia and  took her to tumbling for me.  I was brought dinner today by two friends.  Another friend brought me a bottle of Cake vodka and watermelon sparkling margarita because the only thing I was missing today at chemo was a shot of vodka and I love watermelon margaritas.  Cheers to everyone!!!

Fourth, my students rock!!  No seriously, they rock!!  They were so excited and cheered when I told them I was getting my last round of medicine.  They are 5 and 6 years old.  That is pretty cool if you ask me.  They made me cards every day over the last 5 months.  They have made me laugh and challenge my myself. Most importantly they gave me a reason to get up, get dressed (I hate getting dressed right now) and laugh every day. They really do rock!

So I bragged.  I had to.  It made me feel so supported today.  Thank you for everything!!  This part of the journey is over and I kicked cancer's ass.  I didn't let it run my life or slow me down.  I didn't let it own me, become me, or think it had a chance of sticking around. It's my body and I'll decide what sticks around.  My double mastectomy is scheduled for June 25th at 8:30 am at Kettering hospital.  My dear sweet (and feisty) friend Kelly is coming from Michigan to help (and most likely make sure I am getting the best care).  It gives me a sense of comfort because I hate blood and the talk of blood and I am just damn nervous about it.

Love and Hugs to everyone,

Lisa - The Girl who told cancer to kiss it.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Home stretch!

Hi everyone!  Brad tells me I am a slacker on posting so here I go. I have three treatments left!!  Yep. Three more weeks and I am done with the chemo. All done!!!  My official date for my last one is May 29. I met with my oncologist last Tuesday and he called me his rock star patient. That felt pretty good considering I don't feel like it, but he swears I am. At this point my nails are all messed up, I have horrible indigestion, and I am really tired most of the day but hardly sleep at night because of hot flashes.  I am tired of being tired. The steroids I do have to say are the worst part of it but I keep reminding myself of several things. One, many people have it a lot worse with their treatments, two, I have three treatments left, three, I have gone from bald to peach fuzz and four, Dr. Romer thinks I am already in remission. That was the best news. I am still kicking cancers ass and living my life. I have refused to let it slow me down. 

Thank you to everyone who has supported me with this journey. Pay attention when I hug you. My hugs are much tighter and longer. It's my way of saying thank you for every bit of encouragement, every card, every gift and every meal. It meant the world to me and Brad. Without all of the support and encouragement, I would not have been as strong. This is 100% a mental battle. Chemo tries really hard to break a person down. Even in the last 9 weeks there have been a few times I have walked into school with tears. I just wasn't sure I was going to be able to make it through the day. Because of all of the support, I sucked it up, put a smile on my face and moved on. 

My friend Cari sent me this shirt. I'm a true Spartan and I do have a team behind me. Love this shirt!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 3 more weeks and I get to hear my horns!!

Lots of love,

PS: Brad would like to personally thank everyone for every meal and groceries. His weakness is cookies and he has loved every last one of them.