Thursday, February 13, 2014

Round three....

I get my third round of treatment today. It's funny how this is such a mental battle. Think about it like this. You know on Thursday of every other week you are going to get the flu (or a really bad hangover) for the next five days. It sucks. Do I want to go to chemo?  Nope not at all. But this morning I got up and put my big girl panties on, along with some new Mary Kay makeup thanks to Lori Dunnigan (it's so I am pretty AND powerful), and I am ready to fight. 


Misty said...

You look "pretty AND powerful"! You are ready to fight today! <3

Anjali Balwally said...

Hi Lisa your inner and outer beauty and strength continues to amaze me. Keep smiling!!!

Unknown said...

So glad to see your smile!! You look beautiful, and like you can still kick ass.!!! That's why you're awesome.

Unknown said...

Atta girl!!!! Lots of love coming your way

Meghan Conroy said...

Thinking of you! You rock!

Anonymous said...

You are amazing and SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! You rock!!!!!!!
~Mandy Schneider

Christine Wickenheiser said...

Looking great Lisa!!! :)

Dawn Gaydosh said...

LOVE the hat......LOVE the smile MORE......Hang in there sister! xo

Anonymous said...

I 'm praying for you every morning at 6:00AM. You look great and you are great. Hang in there 'cause the dawn is coming. I love you Sweetie. Always have, always will.

Unknown said...

Love the hat you pretty powerful girl :)Rock on my friend!!

Amber Cohen said...

Love the hat! You are a force to be reckoned with :) Beautiful xoxo

Jeni said...

Please explain the spitty cloth on your front....I adore you, Lisa Voss

Unknown said...

Lisa Voss, you are such an inspiration.! Your smile, your fight, your heart......I love you girl.
Always praying for you, your family and your medical team.

Unknown said...

You got this!!! Someone recently told me... Need to stop thinking chemo as the bad guy... It's the super hero kicking the bad guys ass!!! Love you!!!

cnd1027 said...

I Love the smile and I love the hat. Praying for you and keep up the amazing fight. You are an inspiration.

L'Cook said...

you, despite the spitty cloth, are beautiful, my friend.

Peggy said...

You always had the most beautiful smile, cancer doesn't have a chance. You inspire me!

Unknown said...

You look great! Love the blog! Sending prayers your way!